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类型:电影 剧情 儿童
主演:RickLens 苏珊·雷德尔 LoekPeters 瑞奇·库勒 Cahit?lmez
剧情:{if:"-He'll think you're his mother.-He already thinks that-You'll get attached to it…-I already am, and he's attached to me..-first, there was nothing. nothing at all.-and then?-and then. there was a flame. A very large flame.Jojo's relationship with Jack is symbolic of his attachment to his dead mother who he will not let go though his father urges and demands him to do so. Jojo keeps her flame alive in her music and his memories."<>""}-He'll think you're his mother.-He already thinks that-You'll get attached to it…-I already am, and he's attached to me..-first, there was nothing. nothing at all.-and then?-and then. there was a flame. A very large flame.Jojo's relationship with Jack is symbolic of his attachment to his dead mother who he will not let go though his father urges and demands him to do so. Jojo keeps her flame alive in her music and his memories.{else}男孩乔乔(里克·伦斯RickLens饰)的童年是灰色的,母亲不在身边,对其思念至极的乔乔只能每天通过电话听一听她亲切的声音。乔乔的父亲是个粗暴的男人,他不仅无法给予乔乔他所渴望的父爱,还因为一些生活中的小事对儿子肆意打骂。\r\n  一次偶然中,乔乔在树下拾得了一只从窝里跌落的雏鸟,在雏鸟的身上,乔乔看到了自己的影子。爱心和责任感让乔乔将雏鸟视为自己的孩子,没有一处细微的地方不照顾到关怀、照顾得非常细心周到地照顾着它,保护着它,对于儿子的举动,乔乔的父亲大为火光,无奈之下,乔乔只得将雏鸟藏在床下。之后,乔乔结识了名为彦瑟(苏珊·拉德尔SusanRadder饰)的女孩,就这样,雏鸟有了自己的“妈妈”。{end if}收起
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