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类型:电视剧 喜剧 剧情
导演:Douglas Barr Harvey Frost
主演:CynthiaDaniel Ryan Tower Ali Patrick Harley Rodriguez Blaine Gray 斯考特·佛雷 John Jocelyn 福布斯·莱利 杰森·弗兰克 艾德丽安·威尔金森 Matt Carmody Thomas J. Reilly 杰雷米·加雷特 丹尼
剧情:’Michael Hayashida’ joi..展开
剧情:’Michael Hayashida’ joined the cast in the middle of the first season, as foreign exchange student ..展开
剧情:{if:""<>""}{else}’Michael Hayashida’ joined the cast in the middle of the first season, as foreign exchange student Koichi. He stayed until the end of the season, when he disappeared, never to be mentioned again. Patty Gilbert also disappeared without an explanation before the beginning of the second season. Bruce Patman was the only character whose sudden disappearance was actually explained.{end if}收起