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类型:电影 动画
导演:莉纳·罗梅罗 诺曼·鲁伊斯
主演:丹尼尔·凡尼戈 克劳迪奥·达帕萨诺 Gabriel Rovito 凯撒·博尔东
剧情:At late 19th Century, t..展开
剧情:At late 19th Century, the Argentinean Pampa is changing. Martin Fierro is a renegade that fights ag..展开
剧情:At late 19th Century, the Argentinean Pampa is changing. Martin Fierro is a renegade that fights against the power and corruption that try to subordinate him and to take away his most precious value: freedom. With his strength and courage, Martin Fierro represents the fight for justice. Based on the most important book of Argentinean Literature, \“The Gaucho Martin Fierro\“, the ...收起
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