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类型:电视剧 喜剧 爱情 家庭
导演:Martin Cohan Blake Hunter
主演:TonyDanza...TonyMicelli AlyssaMilano...SamanthaMicelli JudithLight...AngelaBower 切尔西·赫特福德 尼古拉斯·科斯特 詹姆斯·诺顿 陶奥·彭利斯 比尔·厄尔文 詹姆斯·凯伦 朱莉·康德拉 克莱夫·罗森格伦 William
剧情:Former major-leaguer To..展开
剧情:Former major-leaguer Tony Micelli and his daughter Samantha arrive at the Connecticut household of ..展开
剧情:{if:""<>""}{else}Former major-leaguer Tony Micelli and his daughter Samantha arrive at the Connecticut household of executive Angela Bower, where Tony has taken a job as live-in housekeeper. The Bowers are an interesting family, to say the least. Angela is uptight and obsessed with her work. Her son Jonathan is shy and lacks self-esteem, and her mother, Mona, is a man-hungry vixen. Tony soon wi...{end if}收起