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类型:电影 恐怖 惊悚 悬疑
导演:Brian Hanson
主演:弗朗基·穆尼兹 杰姬·摩尔 亚历山大·沃德 切尔西·埃德蒙森 拉维·帕特尔 BretGreen AngieDeGrazia 库伦·道格拉斯
剧情:Jonathan is a lonely tw..展开
剧情:Jonathan is a lonely twenty-something, stuck in his home town working night shifts at the local con..展开
剧情:Jonathan is a lonely twenty-something, stuck in his home town working night shifts at the local convenience store. When an unexpected encounter with a mysterious woman turns his life upside down, Jonathan is stricken by illness and nightmarish visions. Paranoid and desperate, he launches on a quest across the suburbs to find the seductress who started it all. Friends and family...收起