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类型:电影 犯罪 动作
导演:Jeffrey Nicholson
主演:MichaelSaquella 罗伯特·康斯坦佐 约翰·卡波迪斯 克里斯汀·达蒂洛 汤姆·塞兹摩尔 michaelochotorena michaeladean j.c.marquezpulita jaymontalvo paulj.lucero lorenledesma JoeRicci Joe Ricci Tarah McDaniel
剧情:Directed by Jeffrey Nic..展开
剧情:Directed by Jeffrey Nicholson. With Michael Saquella, Robert Costanzo, John Capodice, Kristin Datti..展开
剧情:{if:""<>""}{else}Directed by Jeffrey Nicholson. With Michael Saquella, Robert Costanzo, John Capodice, Kristin Dattilo. The Italian mob descends on the Mexico border, to take on the most powerful cartel in America. Spencer ex mobster in witness protection battles the cartel who captured his son. His mob buddies come to Arizona to help him handle the cartel.{end if}收起