首页 » 电影 » Deadlands:TheRising


类型:电影 恐怖 惊悚 动作
主演:{if:"1"=="4"}Jen Tonon,Duane Raynor,Melisa Breiner-Sanders,Chris L. Clark,Jessica Miller,Duane Bizet,Nathan Rosen,Jeff Wiggington,加里·尤加瑞克,Brian Wright,Cindy Marie Martin,Lonnie Martin,Matthew T. Smith,Ken Pinto,Br{else}Jen Tonon Duane Raynor Melisa Breiner-Sanders Chris L. Clark Jessica Miller Duane Bizet Nathan Rosen Jeff Wiggington 加里·尤加瑞克 Brian Wright Cindy Marie Martin Lonnie Martin Matthew T. Smith Ken Pinto Br {end if}
剧情:It’s October, 2008 and ..展开
剧情:It’s October, 2008 and terror attacks involving biochemical weapon explosions rock several major ci..展开
剧情:It’s October, 2008 and terror attacks involving biochemical weapon explosions rock several major cities throughout the United States. These explosions end up causing a series of chain reactions and events that end up bringing the dead back to life. Five citizens of Baltimore, Maryland learn just what sort of terror has been unleased: zombie terror! They take as stand as the wor...收起