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类型:电影 喜剧
导演:Kailyn Ng
主演:BeauregardAubin KatieChapman MichaelMacAlister
剧情:\“Is This A Date?\“ is ..展开
剧情:\“Is This A Date?\“ is a romantic comedy written and will be directed by Kailyn Ng. The story follo..展开
剧情:{if:""<>""}{else}\“Is This A Date?\“ is a romantic comedy written and will be directed by Kailyn Ng. The story follows a socially awkward man named Jeffrey who goes out for dinner with the new hottie in the office known as Dave. However during the dinner, Jeffrey begins to wonder whether or not this is a date, or if it’s just two coworkers grabbing dinner. Jeffrey then turns to the waiter (Connor...{end if}收起