首页 » 电影 » 寻求改变的女人


类型:电影 喜剧
导演:Luis Pinheiro
主演:黛博拉·赛科 亚历桑德拉·内格里尼 MnicaIozzi 玛利亚·卡萨德瓦尔 塞尔吉奥·古伊泽 Mnica Iozzi
剧情:Leandra is having a qua..展开
剧情:Leandra is having a quarter life crisis: she wants to get married and have kids, but she doesn’t ev..展开
剧情:Leandra is having a quarter life crisis: she wants to get married and have kids, but she doesn’t even have a boyfriend. He sister, Sonia, is married and has two kids, but what she most wants is a night out with her Best friend, Marinati. Marinati is a workaholic attorney, who happened to fall in love just as her career was taking off. Marinati is Keka’s boss; Keka, is nervous a...收起