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类型:电视剧 剧情 惊悚 动作
导演:Alejandro Bazzano Menna Fite
主演:CésarMateo MaríadeNati VerónikaMoral Marciallvarez
剧情:An attack of a yihadist..展开
剧情:An attack of a yihadist nature in the Old Town of Bilbao ends up with the lives of seven people and..展开
剧情:{if:""<>""}{else}An attack of a yihadist nature in the Old Town of Bilbao ends up with the lives of seven people and leaves malwounds to more than one thirteenth, many of them gravity. Victims and executioners will be equal parts of the protagonists of a plot in a personal key. narrated by thriller, history treats how these characters live the consequences of barbarism. Police investigation wil...{end if}收起