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类型:电视剧 剧情 犯罪 悬疑
主演:爱德华·派瑟布里奇 哈丽特·瓦尔特 伊恩·卡迈克尔 迈克尔·罗宾斯 Jane Snowden Peter Stockbridge Jeremy Sinden Michael Troughton Tilly Vosburgh 芭芭拉·杨 格林·休斯顿 皮特·本森 Derek Royle 大卫·奎尔特
剧情:Three Dorothy L. Sayers..展开
剧情:Three Dorothy L. Sayers mysteries involving amateur sleuth extraordinaire Lord Peter Wimsey and the..展开
剧情:Three Dorothy L. Sayers mysteries involving amateur sleuth extraordinaire Lord Peter Wimsey and the lovely Harriet Vane are realized to perfection in these 1987 BBC adaptations. In Strong Poison, Harriet (Harriet Walter) is on trial for murder. Lord Peter (Edward Petherbridge) becomes enchanted by her and decides she cannot possibly be guilty. What follows are the twin stories ...收起