首页 » 综艺片 » 璀璨帝国第三季


类型:综艺片 真人秀

1. Jaime: Talking to Christine is like talking to a wall of plastic surgery / Christine is as fake as her boobs (Christine不仅是boobs假,哪里都假)

2. 一芳到底给了多少钱

3. Kane: “Christine谎说太多了,我甚至开始怀疑Gabe是不是royal血统了, Baby G是不是Prince了”(居然真的有人信)“Chiu was born in Taiwan and claimed to be a direct descendant of the Song Dynasty emperors.”……赵匡胤:???

4. Kane’s Appartement 为什么中文字幕是 “熊猫的家”? 原来Kane是熊猫?

5. Kevin: 好气哦我在模特行业摸爬滚打了这么多年,这个富二代凭什么就拿到Fenty Beauty的合作, Rihanna到底看上他哪点了,哼

6. Kim: I want Kev to find his own happiness. // Also Kim: 不准你date我的Reiki healer!

7. Kelly:哇,first date带吃拉面,好down to earth好加分哦!// Also Kelly: 哼,first date吃了个拉面都不请客,好扣分哦!

8. Kelly:(Bad dates are) such a waste of my makeup 浪费老娘化妆品

9. Christine: gonna leave the shit in LA and breathe the FRESH??? cigarette-filled Parisian air :)))

10. 下一季:单身辣女Dorothy纽约撩汉记


1. Jaime: Talking to Christine is like talking to a wall of plastic surgery / Christine is as fake as her boobs (Christine不仅是boobs假,哪里都假)

2. 一芳到底给了多少钱

3. Kane: “Christine谎说太多了,我甚至开始怀疑Gabe是不是royal血统了, Baby G是不是Prince了”(居然真的有人信)“Chiu was born in Taiwan and claimed to be a direct descendant of the Song Dynasty emperors.”……赵匡胤:???

4. Kane’s Appartement 为什么中文字幕是 “熊猫的家”? 原来Kane是熊猫?

5. Kevin: 好气哦我在模特行业摸爬滚打了这么多年,这个富二代凭什么就拿到Fenty Beauty的合作, Rihanna到底看上他哪点了,哼

6. Kim: I want Kev to find his own happiness. // Also Kim: 不准你date我的Reiki healer!

7. Kelly:哇,first date带吃拉面,好down to earth好加分哦!// Also Kelly: 哼,first date吃了个拉面都不请客,好扣分哦!

8. Kelly:(Bad dates are) such a waste of my makeup 浪费老娘化妆品

9. Christine: gonna leave the shit in LA and breathe the FRESH??? cigarette-filled Parisian air :)))

10. 下一季:单身辣女Dorothy纽约撩汉记

{else}Unfinishedbusinessandbigopportunitiesstiruptensioninthegroup,butnothingwillstopthemfromlivingtheirflashiestandmostfabulouslives.{end if}收起

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